woman sharing NEW YEAR, NEW ME

It’s 2019! Actually it’s about three weeks in to 2019. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on resolutions etc. and decided that I have one thing I’m going to do. Many times we make all these BIG resolutions and then go back on them about a month or two in. I’m very GUILTY of doing that. I didn’t want to do it again, so I decided to pick ONE thing I truly want to accomplish this year and then add a couple other goals that are important but not something too big.

My main BIGresolution for 2019 is to BE POSITIVE! Many times I find that I let little things get to me and make them into something bigger when I could have just brushed it off. You’re probably thinking something along the lines of “yeah I do that too, but I don’t want to just brush it off.” Well I’m not saying to completely ignore what happened. That’s not going to solve anything or make you any happier. What I’m saying is that something I get WAY too frustrated about something that truly can be solved in like two minutes.

What I’ve decided to do is if I’m mad about something is to REALLY think on it and then find a solution to the problem OR think about it differently. Sometimes there’s not always a solution to why you’re mad. For example, when someone cuts you off while driving. Normally, I would cuss a little and get super heated. Now, I’m going to try and think about why they did it. Maybe they needed to be somewhere quickly or maybe they were just being a jerk but it shouldn’t affect my happiness. So, all in all, I’m going to look on the bright side and BE POSITIVE, oh and do a lot more yoga! haha.



Have you heard of these before? I learned about them in college. They are better than just blindly saying you’ll do something because, well. I’ll just explain what SMART stands for.

S – SPECIFIC – state what you want to do in detail.

M – MEASURABLE – Provide a way to evaluate.

A – ATTAINABLE – Can you actually accomplish this?

R – REALISTIC – realism is a must for every goal. You know what you are capable of.

T – TIMELY – when will you complete this?

Having SMART goals are the IDEAL goals for you to achieve because they are clearly thought out for you personally by you. Some may have A LOT more detail than others and that’s completely fine. Some goals are just a lot simpler than others.

I’m going to share two of the smart goals I have for this year.

  1. I will work out at StudioPOP 5 days a week unless I’m traveling out of town on the weekends until March 7th. PS: I leave for New Zealand on March 8th. Gotta have that beach bod! Even though it will be Fall there..

  2. I will write a blog post twice a week for the entire year of 2019.

These are goals I can easily measure and accomplish if I take the time out of my day to just DO IT! I’m trying to come up with more to add to my list; maybe some that are a little deeper.

What are some of the goals you have for 2019?

Love Always,

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