Tanna Wasilchak

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I want to preface this with, do what makes you feel most comfortable and research on your own as well. I’m sharing my opinions and research I did on my own but right now, travel regulations are ever changing.


So here are the tips I have if you do decide to travel:

  1. If you’re going to do it, wear your mask in public places. Please! Even if you’re the only one, wear your mask.

  2. Get tested for Covid-19 before you go. Andrew and I got tested before we traveled to ensure we wouldn’t be bringing it with us. Remember that when you get tested you should quarantine up until your trip.

  3. Stay in the US if possible. Don’t travel outside of the country right now, especially if US citizens aren’t allowed there. For real, don’t be THAT person and sneak into another country that isn’t allowing US citizens. Yeah.. people are actually doing that.

    There are, however, some countries that are allowing travel like Mexico. See a list of travel advisories here. Additionally, check state specific advisories on what you need to do to enter the state. Most states are now requiring negative Covid tests. We’re going to Maine in October and must have a negative Covid test within 72 hours of travel.

  4. Bring sanitizer, Clorox wipes, and extra masks. My mom has a Covid bag she brings with her on trips and in her car! I was so happy to have a baggy full of Clorox wipes to wipe down airport seats, plane seats, rental car, etc.

  5. Drive. Flying to Utah, the Virgin Islands, and Boston were pretty uncomfortable for me. Many people were not wearing masks when required to in airports and some weren’t even wearing them on the plane. I felt WAY more comfortable in my own car traveling. Not everyone can drive, so I wanted to recommend two airlines that are doing it right. Southwest and Delta! They’re both blocking out the middle seats and boarding people in groups of 10. I was so impressed and felt way more comfortable flying with them. An airline I was extremely disappointed in was American. I’m an avid American flyer and will not be flying them unless absolutely necessary. I have a ton of credit with them from cancelling flights so I’ll have to eventually. *insert annoyed emoji* They aren’t blocking out the middle seats, they’re letting everyone board all at once, and don’t care if individuals take their masks off. Again, this was all my own experience. I flew American 3 times and every time was like this. So be sure to read blogs and reviews like this before deciding on an airline.

  6. Go to places where you can spend the majority of your time outside. While in Utah, the Virgin Islands, and Boston we ALWAYS socially distanced if we were near people we wore masks.Although, most of our time was spent far away from people in nature hiking, on the beach, or chilling on the front porch of our airbnbs.

  7. Self quarantine when you get back home! I’m holding up in my house for a couple of weeks after traveling and will be doing this after every trip I take, even if I drive.

    Most importantly, be respectful!!

Safe travels!