Tanna Wasilchak

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I’ve never been a huge makeup person but I’ve always kinda wanted to be. I have an Ipsy subscription that sends me makeup every month, which I love but most of the products are sample size. This is great because I can try out the product and if I love it, I can buy the full size product. Ipsy usually has a discount code for that too.

I love a good natural looking foundation, which is why I’ve been using bareMinerals original foundation for years! I recently ran out of my foundation and thought I would try out bareMinerals barePro liquid foundation. It wasn’t too much more than the powder foundation, but I was hesitant at first because I’ve always had issues with liquid foundation. In the past it’s been heavy and feels like I’m wearing another face to be completely honest.


I decided I could give bareMinerals liquid foundation a try though because I had been reading great reviews on it. I went down to Ulta and had them test it out on me. I already knew my shade in the powder foundation, so it was the same in the liquid. Easy enough right? The wonderful woman at Ulta started to put it on me and it immediately felt lighter than any liquid foundation I had used in the past. She used a brush to apply it, but said that it could be applied with a sponge too. I use a medium face contour brushby crown. You don’t need much of the foundation at all, as you can see pictured above. After I apply the liquid foundation I use the powder mineral veil to set it. With both of these, I still feel as though I’m not wearing much makeup at all. It doesn’t even smudge off if I rub my face like a lot of makeup does AND you can still see my freckles! Overall this liquid foundation is everything I could have asked for and more.

Is the price worth it?
You don’t use much so it will last a while!

My overall rating is:

5/5 collars

Do you use bareMinerals? Have you tried this liquid foundation before?

Love Always,

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